Thursday Guest Speaker

Tom Buschatzke was appointed Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources in
January 2015. With over four decades of water management experience, he is responsible
for carrying out ADWR’s mission: To safeguard the health, safety and economic welfare of the public by protecting, conserving and enhancing Arizona’s water supplies in a bold, thoughtful and innovative manner.
Mr. Buschatzke serves as Arizona’s principal negotiator on matters relating to the Colorado
River, and chairs both the Arizona Water Banking Authority and the Governor’s Water
Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council. He represents the State in Indian water right negotiations. In addition, he is the U.S. representative to the Binational Desalination Work Group, which is charged with exploring desalination opportunities with the Republic of Mexico. Prior to his appointment as ADWR Director, he served for 23 years with the City of Phoenix, ultimately as the Water Resources Management Advisor, responsible for policy development.
He has served on the Board of Directors of the Western Urban Water Coalition and as Chair of the Coalition’s Endangered Species Act Committee. He was previously a Commissioner on the Arizona Water Banking Authority and the Arizona Water Protection Fund.
Thursday Luncheon

Kevin McGillicuddy, P.G., the Groundwater Foundations’ 2022 McEllhiney Lecturer, is the chief hydrogeologist for the Roscoe Moss Co. Specializing in groundwater development, he has designed several hundred high-capacity water supply wells, conducted numerous well siting studies, and managed large- and small-scale well rehabilitation projects. In his capacity as chief hydrogeologist, he assists consultants, municipalities, water districts, and contracting firms in the planning and designing of water supply wells.
Prior to joining Roscoe Moss, McGillicuddy directed recharge operations and was a senior hydrogeologist for the Orange County Water District (OCWD) in Fountain Valley, California. While at OCWD, he engaged in groundwater replenishment projects using both surface water recharge and direct injection of highly treated reclaimed water through a system of injection wells. McGillicuddy has presented at numerous AHS, National Groundwater Association, and other groundwater industry events over the years, promoting groundwater science, proper practice, and responsible use to a variety of audiences. He holds a B.S. in geology from Boston College and an M.S. in geology from the University of Southern California.
About the presentation
“Surface Water and Groundwater Interaction — An Examination of the Natural and Man-Made Ties That Bind Them”
This presentation will provide an overview of the hydrologic cycle focusing on the interaction between surface water and groundwater through both natural means and engineered programs.
It will address how these factors enhance the recharge, storage, and development of surface water and groundwater resources to supplement the groundwater professional’s knowledge and provide key explanations to clients.
About the lecture series

The William A. McEllhiney Distinguished Lecture Series in Water Well Technology was established in 2000 to foster professional excellence in water well technology. It honors William McEllhiney, the 1948 founding president of the National Ground Water Association, and a groundwater contractor and civil engineer.

Each year, a panel of contractors invites an outstanding groundwater professional to share his or her insights and work experiences with the industry. Individuals may nominate themselves or others.