Become a sponsor or exhibitor at BSMAR18

You must pay in full by cash, check, or credit card within 30 days to secure your reservation. No refunds will be made for cancellations after March 2. Note that, after March 15, changes to registrants will incur a $50 fee. For more information, contact us at [email protected].

The perks

All sponsors and exhibitors receive the following perks:

  • Your logo and/or link, by tier, on the BSMAR18 website, the AHS Sponsor Directory, and promotional materials, including on a slideshow that will be running continuously in the main ballroom; Platinum and Gold sponsors also get their names listed on a can koozie that all attendees will receive
  • List of symposium attendees
  • Your organization acknowledged during daily announcements
  • One or more full registrations and 1-year AHS memberships (see below)

Major sponsors (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) and exhibitors

In addition to the perks listed above, major sponsors (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) and exhibitors get an exhibitor space and the ability to register one additional attendee per day at a discounted rate.

View a map of available exhibitor spaces with booth sizes and other important information »

LevelCostBoothName on KoozieRegistrations*AHS Memberships
Note that security is not provided at the Casino Del Sol. Exhibitors are responsible for the safe guarding their property.
* After March 15, changes to registrants will incur a $50 fee.

Event sponsors

Don’t need a booth? We offer event sponsorships to fit a range of budgets. These sponsorships all come with one full registration and one 1-year AHS membership.

Copper (student sponsor)$1250
Morning panel$1250
Wednesday icebreaker*$750
Casino Night*$750
Breakfast / break*$600
Annual meeting (AHS / AHSF)*$600
* Up to two sponsors per event

Additional attendee option

Major sponsors (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) and exhibitors only can add one attendee per day at a discounted rate.

OptionEarly BirdRegularDoor
Additional attendee, Thursday$150$175$250
Additional attendee, Friday$125$150$225
Additional attendee, Thursday + Friday$275$325$475
Additional attendee, Thursday + Casino Night$230$280$405
Additional attendee, Thursday + Friday + Casino Night$355$430