Our Program at a Glance
Attendees are eligible for professional development hours (PDHs) as noted below.
Day 1: Wednesday, 09/13
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM: GoldSim workshop with Jason Lillywhite (7 PDHs)[off site at Flagstaff Water Services]
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM: Oak Creek field trip (3.75 PDHs)
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Exhibitor setup | Poster setup [Fremont]
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM: AHS Foundation meeting [Fremont]
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: AHS annual meeting [Fremont]
5:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Icebreaker social mixer [Abineau]
Be sure to visit the posters in Fremont!
Day 2: Thursday, 09/14
7 PDHs
7:00 AM – 8:00 AM: Continental breakfast [Abineau]
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Keynote and guest speaker [Peaks Ballroom]Sponsor: Arizona Public Service
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Break [Abineau] Sponsor: Hydro Geo Chem
10:30 AM – noon: Technical talks — Geophysics [Rees]| Drought Planning & Climate Change [Doyle]
Noon – 1:30 PM: Lunch speaker [Peaks Ballroom] Sponsors: WestLand Resources, Arizona Public Service | student poster judging [Fremont]
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Technical talks — Mining & Remediation [Rees]| Supply & Augmentation [Doyle]
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Break [Abineau] Sponsors: WEST Consultants, Peter Mock Groundwater Consulting
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM: Technical talks — Groundwater Modeling [Rees] | Water Rights & Policies [Doyle]
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: Casino night [Peaks Ballroom]
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM: AHSF benefit raffle and auction [Doyle]
Day 3: Friday, 09/15
4.5 PDHs
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Continental breakfast [Abineau]
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Technical talks — Modeling [Rees]| Recharge & Recovery [Doyle]
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Break [Abineau]
10:30 AM – Noon: Technical talks — Modeling [Rees]| Energy & Sustainability [Doyle]
Noon – 1:30 PM: AHS awards luncheon [Peaks Ballroom] Sponsors: Central Arizona Project, GeoSystems Analysis
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Exhibitor, sponsor, and poster tear-down
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Technical talks — Wells [Rees] | Wetland & Riparian Systems [Doyle]
4:00 PM – ?: Social mixer
Day 4: Saturday, 09/16
7:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Morning field trip to Hoxworth Springs and Lake Mary (3 PDHs)
1:15 PM – 5:15 PM: Afternoon field trip to Montezuma Well (2 PDHs)