Student Posters
Rebecca Bernat, UA/NASA DEVELOP: Ensuring water quality of municipal water through the Managed Aquifer Recharge of Effluent: Case study of the City of Goodyear, Arizona
Josh Cederstrom, ASU: Forest thinning effects on snow cover and streamflow responses in Central Arizona under warming conditions
Javis Davis, NAU: Evaluating Rainfall-Runoff Responses in the Upper Lake Mary Watershed, Coconino County, AZ
Hozhoo Emerson, ASU: Water innerworkings from a Diné perspective
Matthew Ford, UA: The Impact of government dairy subsidies on groundwater levels in Arizona
Abigail Kahler, UA: Tailoring Hydrologic Modelling for Improved Water Resources Decision support
Krista Lawless, ASU: Institutional analysis of Lower Colorado River Basin Water Governance
Behshad Mohajer, ASU: Characterizing anthropogenic changes in Coupled Human-Water Systems: Hybrid application of Top-Down Hydrological Modeling and Data Analysis
Kaleigh Nuyttens, NAU: Influences of anthropogenic activities and climate change on springs ecosystems of the South Rim, Grand Canyon: springs ecosystem inventories, assessments and updated hydrologic trends
Davian Peterson, UA: Evaluating Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on the Rillito Creek Watershed
Lila Rodriguez, ASU: The Lush Green Desert? A case study of residential turf in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area
Ashish Shrestha, ASU: Application of Novel Data Sources to Calibrate Urban Hydrologic-Hydraulic Model for Pluvial Flood Simulation in Cities
Rachel Spinti, UA: A Historical Analysis of Surface Water Storage Development and River Bifurcation in the United States
Burcu Tezcan, ASU: Identifying spatial correlations of wet and dry periods across Interconnected Management Watersheds in the Colorado River Basin
Sara Alonso Vicario, ASU: Managing variance in the Salt and Verde Watersheds: analysis of robust yet fragile trade-offs
Adam Wiechman, ASU: Including Institutional Dynamics in Models of Urban Water Coupled Infrastructure Systems
Professional Posters
Michelle Hallack-Alegria, NV5|Alta Environmental: GIS applications in Integrated Water Resources Management
Alexander Makic, USDA, Tonto National Forest: Bush Fire: Post-fire Stream and Geomorphology Monitoring
Andrew Miller, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Water Science Center: The Historic Drought In Arizona: USGS stream gages are recording some amazing data
Mariah Modson, Arizona State Land Department: The collaborative effort towards one authoritative NHD dataset
Edd T. Schofield, Johnson Screens: New production well designs to adequately address surface subsidence