3rd annual AHS Casino Night and AHSF benefit

Feeling lucky? Join us Thursday, September 16th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM for a return of AHS Casino Night—a fun-filled evening of casino games, including blackjack, craps, poker and roulette, as well as a raffle prize drawing and auction to benefit the Arizona Hydrological Society Foundation. The cost is included in your full registration, or you can purchase admission (which includes two drink tickets and hors d’oeuvres) separately.
Each symposium registered attendee will receive a voucher for chips and 2 drink tickets upon checking in at the check-in table at the Casino Night. The voucher can then be exchanged with the dealers at any of the tables for $2,000 in chips. You can choose to “cash-out” at any time with the dealers for raffle tickets. For every $500 you will receive 1 raffle ticket. If you prefer not to gamble, you can immediately cash in your voucher with the dealers for 4 raffle tickets.
This event is perfect for experts and novices alike. Professional dealers will teach you everything you need to know about the games and ensure that everyone has a great experience. We’ll cash your chips in for raffle tickets to increase your chances of winning great prizes from our generous sponsors. You need to be present during the raffle drawing to win.
Raffle drawing and Auction begin at 8:30 pm
If casino gambling is not your thing, you can opt to separately purchase as many raffle tickets ($5 each) as you like online only before and during the symposium until 8:00 pm on Thursday, September 16th. Pick your tickets up at the symposium registration desk. Each sponsor / exhibitor who offers a prize will have a container at their booth for you to deposit your ticket(s).
Only registered symposium attendees are eligible to purchase raffle tickets and/or participate in the auction, and you need to be present to win and claim your prize.
At the end of the night we will draw tickets for the prizes at each sponsor’s exhibit booth and announce via the number on the ticket.
All tickets sales will benefit AHS Foundation. Donations are used to support either the long-term endowment for the Bouwer, Halpenny, or Avery Intern scholarships OR the annual educational expenses for the Bouwer, Halpenny, and Avery Interns, AHS academic scholarships, high school science fair awards, and K-12 teachers.
Thanks to our generous raffle prize and auction item donors!
Auction items

(a global cellular telemetry device for remote monitoring)
Donated by In-Situ, value $545

$500 Cabela’s/Bass Pro Shop Gift Card
Donated by Southwest Exploration Services
Raffle prizes

$100 VISA Gift Card
Donated by the Phoenix Chapter of AHS
Raffle tickets for this item can be dropped off at the In-Situ booth

$150 Top Golf Gift Card
Donated by EPAZ

$100 VISA Gift Card
Donated by the Phoenix Chapter of AHS
Raffle tickets for this item can be dropped of at the Southwest Exploration Services booth

Custom long board by YB Boards
Donated by Layne, value $300

$50 Home Depot Gift Card
Donated by GeoSystems Analysis

Wine Gift Basket
Donated by Cascade Drilling, value $100

Jack-E-Up, Jack-E-Station, and a bottle of wine
Donated by 3RValve, value $150

Camelbak H.A.W.G 100 oz hydration pack system
Donated by ACZ Laboratories, value $160

The Handbook of Ground Water Development, and a Bottle of Mead from the Superstition Meadery
Donated by Roscoe Moss Company, value $225

Two – $100 Total Wine Gift Cards
Donated by Lytle Water Solutions

YETI soft-side cooler
Donated by Clear Creek Associates, value $200

$50 REI Gift Card
Donated by GeoSystems Analysis

Bose – Soundlink II Wireless Around-Ear Headphones
Donated by Golder Associates, value $230

$100 Total Wine Gift Card
Donated by Van Essen Instruments

YETI Roadie 24 filled with swag and local beer
Donated by LRE Water, value $250

$200 Home Depot Gift Card
Donated by NV5

Yeti Cooler
Donated by GeoLog, LLC, value $250

Geologist Themed Gift Basket
Donated by Matrix New World Engineering, value $200

Teton Hydration Backpack
Donated by Intermountain Environmental, value $50

AZ Wine Gift Box
Donated by KP Ventures Drilling and Pump

$200 Amazon Gift Card
Donated by Stewart Brothers Drilling Company

Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey
Donated by Yellow Jacket Drilling Services, value $75

$50 Williams Sonoma Gift Card
Donated by GeoSystems Analysis

OGIO Metro Computer Backpack
Donated by Tetra Tech, value $65

Basket-O-Liquor & other fun things
Donated by hydroGEOPHYSICS, value $150

Cornhole board with bags
Donated by Boart Longyear, value $300

Various Items
See items at the AHS Foundation Booth